Tuesday, February 18, 2025

                                        THE FIRST MORNING RITUAL

     When I come downstairs, I start my first step to help clean out the toxins that might be lurking around in my body. We've been doing this for quite a long time (years). It's a very simple procedure. I mix a tablespoon of Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar  and a  tablespoon of water, in a small glass. I sip this slowly as I boot up my PC and check to see how the world is getting along.

     It might take a little while to get used to sipping that concoction. I take it all in stride; it removes the toxins, a small price to pay.

     My morning ritual then goes to getting out my tray of supplements. If you already have my last book, 'We Chose Alaska -4- The Frustration of High Blood Pressure; it will give you more information that would be useful in you quest for better health.

     My supplement routine is twice a day: in the morning (like right now) and after supper.

     Lately, because we are just getting over some weird health episode, which gave all the same COVID symptoms. I tried to use my test kits (from way back in the Pandemic days.)

     Luckily, I had an ample supply of Ivermectin; Marcia and I survived; otherwise, this could be an obituary.  C'est la vie!

Monday, February 17, 2025


                                                     NOURISHING & EXCRETING

     I want to focus on the aspects of what is necessary for the body to function properly. They say, that you can tell that a person is getting old, when he can't help telling you about his Bowell Movements, before he ends the conversation!

     I guess I fit the pattern! I am 90 years old, caught up in the body of a 60 year old!    

     I have recently discovered a system of better excreting. So I am going to tell you about it, since it is a very basic and necessary part of health. The Webster's Dictionary definition of 'excretion' states, 1. the act or the process of excreting  2.  waste matter excreted; sweat, urine, etc.  [The etc. must be the BM?]

     I have, since about two months ago, been working on how to have better BMs. I thought about how the toilets in Asia are very simple. You step into a 4' by 4' box; you hover (squat) over a 6" hole and do your business. The key element here is the squatting. Modern toilets take the squatting , out of the picture. I put it back in!

     The first part of what I found out was, if I sat UPRIGHT; Spread my legs to a normal stance and placed my hands over my knees (at the joint) then I applied a pulling pressure; this would help me in doing my BM. This takes time and effort to bring this about. You basically have to flex your muscles that you normally do when having your BM (at the rectum).

     When you feel the exiting; you are almost there. 

     When you feel that you BM (excretions) about ready to exit; PULL your knees together and Move you arms down to forward of your knees and APPLY a pulling pressure with your arms. You will basically be in a SQUATTING position! Continue to use the arm pressure until you are finished. This will squeeze your intestines and effortlessly move your excrement away from your body.

     The next item mentioned was Urinating. That sort of goes along with the BM process.

     The final one was SWEAT (perspiration). We follow this process by building a sauna (steam bath), no matter where we live. It's a MUST for removing toxins from your body. Those are the little suckers that can ravage your healthy body and put you in your grave!

Sunday, February 9, 2025

      I have to mention, that through all this time of becoming rid of whatever malady we caught, there was a very vital component that eased the pain, my Brownies! Yes that's right , cannabis! It's taken over 100 years for the government to come to its senses and legalize such a valuable health product. I've been using a medicinal strain of pot since it was legalized. Just this year, the crimes associated with criminalizing of pot are being forgiven! Think of all the young lives that were flushed down the toilet, for just carrying or smoking, something that is proving to be a health benefit. Marijuana was given a bad rap.


                                    CANNABIS TO THE RESCUE

Both Marcia and I used it, to make us comfortable, during times of discomfort. I felt so bad one afternoon, at about 3pm, on my second day of my Ivermectin dose; I took one of my Brownies.

     It takes about one hour for it to kick in. By the time of supper, I could feel that the effects getting obvious; I was high!

     Usually, I take my Brownie an hour before my bedtime. By the time it kicks in; I am already in LaLa land. Marcia is more sensitive; she has to wait until she heads up to bed. If  she took it at the time I do, she'd be a basket case, by the time that she went to bed!

     So this is the scene when the time arrives for me to take my normal brownie. I had stopped feeling the effects from the 3pm brownie. I had to make a decision. Either I take my usual dose before bed or I use a half a batch, that will kick in an hour after I go to bed. I knew the time elements that would become reality and went for the half of my brownie. It was the right decision; everything went as planned. 

     I think I might have covered the Brownie recipe in my recent book, 'We Chose Alaska -4- The Frustration of High Blood pressure'.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

                         WAS IT COVID; THAT'S THE BIG QUESTION?

       I was thinking about doing more health blogs after posting the Ivermectin and Fenbendazole blog.
      I was just checking the date for last Tuesday, on our calendar; it was the 4th of February. Marcia had posted a note on that date. It was something that she does to keep track of important events. There was the note stating: [Charlette Deimel passed away at 5pm!] Charlette was my first wife, a very wonderful lady. Those of you who've read my books are familiar with my feelings about her. We managed to remain friends and even went on a cruise with her and her husband, Will and our granddaughter, Brandy.
     What is so unique about the moment she passed, it was also the exact time that I was in a sad state of affairs, health wise! That is the subject that I was going to tell you about, when I saw the time correlation.
    The story is about a health episode that I was having at that same time. Here goes.
      When I came down this day, I asked Marcia, "What day is this?" She said, "It's Thursday!"
     Let's drop back to Tuesday. I was having supper; all of a sudden, I felt very NAUSEOUS!
     I vommitted right into my plate! NOT, just once, but twice. I was sitting there and rapidly losing the desire to eat, all of a sudden, all hell broke loose! My temperature was a bit high 100.8!!!:(
     I immediately got the box of Covid Tests and proceeded to take the test. I was concerned; I was in a bad situation. My symptoms were very severe. I have NEVER felt that sick before!
     The COVID tests box had been stored in the hall closet entry way, whose back wall faces the sunny side of the building. Lancaster is in the high Mojave Desert. The sun is very potent and persistent. Needless to say, I struggled through the directions and finally was able to start administering it to myself.
     The test has a fluid in a small,  plastic sealed container, that is vital for the test. After I swabbed my nostrils as directed and put it into the applicator. There wasn't enough liquid to put into the flat indicator that shows the results! 
     I was a basket case and I used my Ivermectin, a known drug to fight against COVID or when used with Fenbendazole it also is a cancer fighter. I felt as though, it more than likely, could do the job.
     It helped me get a good nights sleep, and still does. My nights are very tranquil.  
     Wednesday, after I took my second dose, I was already feeling better. This is Saturday and I will take my last Ivermectin dosage.
     Since Marcia started her dosage a day after I did, she has two more to complete her five days. She, as I am writing this, is having a rough time. We spent most of the day on our two seat couch. I am not out of the woods yet, however I , slowly, feel the progress.
     I wait for her to be better, as time goes on. What a hell of a trial! I still don't know what we have. However, I do know what we do have, Ivermectin. :)                 

Sunday, January 26, 2025

                                   *  IVERMENTIN & FENBENDAZOLE * (vs Cancer cure) part 1

     Last week, I had the occasion to be told about the title of this story. It happened on 2 different days, one after the other. I think it was my Divine Intervention that was kicking in. :) I took notice and stated to research it. All I an say about my findings is, "WOW!"

Scientists Announce Breakthrough in Treating Cancer with Ivermectin David Lindfield Slay News December 25, 2024 

Several leading scientists and oncologists have announced a major breakthrough in treating cancer with the “wonder drug” Ivermectin. The combination of Fenbendazole and Ivermectin as an alternative cancer therapy is giving new hope to doctors and patients alike. Originally developed as antiparasitic medications, both drugs have demonstrated remarkable off-label effects that may be key in the fight against cancer. Fenbendazole and Ivermectin are commonly used to treat parasitic infections in animals.

It has shown promising results in preclinical studies for its ability to suppress cancer cell growth.

It works by disrupting the microtubules in cancer cells.

The drug essentially breaks down the structure cancer cells need to divide and spread.

By interfering with cell division, Fenbendazole starves the cancerous cells of their ability to multiply, leading to their eventual death.

Studies from various sources, including recent research published on PubMed Central, highlight Fenbendazole’s cytotoxic effects against multiple types of cancer cells.

It seems to operate similarly to established chemotherapy agents, yet it is far less toxic to healthy cells in the body.

                                                 A Testimony


Hello everyone, I wanted to share my story. In 2022, at 32 years old, I was diagnosed with stage 4 colorectal cancer that spread to my liver. The months following were a blur of scans, procedures, radiation, chemotherapy and the agonizing reality of cancer’s brutal defiance. In a short year and a half, I faced multiple surgeries to save my life including a colon and liver resection surgery.

My oncology team in Illinois failed me in many ways, from denying me a life saving surgery, to telling me that I was not curable at 32 and further diagnostics and treatment would have no purpose.

Through the wonderful connections made within the cancer community, I found her: she put me on a Fenbendazole and Ivermectin protocol through several encouragements and self hope. And today makes its 1 year since I have been N.E.D ( Cancer free) no more cancers and all the tumor had shrunk and my body maintained its original state. I was so surprised at the same time I was very happy as I can now take care of my family , share quality time and above all give thanks to God and also thanks to you. 

Together we stand to fight against cancer and note  FENBENDAZOLE CURES CANCER. Wish y'all the best and fast recovery in your life journey.”.

 [This is my first posting dealing with what you've just read. It stirred me towards further researching. I plan on doing at least one more Blog to present what I found out. It'll blow your mind to find out what I've discovered.]
     I need to give you the information about where to purchase these two life savers. I deal with a young man, Naidu Manohar from Bombay India. I found his link when the COVID pandemic hit us. we've been friends ever since. the prices are very reasonable: Ivermectin = 100 pills for $20. The Fenbendazole is called Mebex (Mebendazole IP Tablets 100mg). They are very expensive; I bought a package of it for $99! 
      When I research , before Naidu responded to my question about Fenbendazole, I did some research on it. Ironically, both Ivermectin and Fenbendazole have been in use for a very long time; they are both used in the veterinary business! They are fantastically. You have to use  effective.
      I researched and found it listed as 'Fenbendazole for humans' on Amazon. Fenbendazole 222. The price is 90 tablets for $54 or $64.
                                              Here is his contact information:
Naidu Manohar
US phone # 904-677-0768
Email = topmeds01@gmail.com