Sunday, February 9, 2025

      I have to mention, that through all this time of becoming rid of whatever malady we caught, there was a very vital component that eased the pain, my Brownies! Yes that's right , cannabis! It's taken over 100 years for the government to come to its senses and legalize such a valuable health product. I've been using a medicinal strain of pot since it was legalized. Just this year, the crimes associated with criminalizing of pot are being forgiven! Think of all the young lives that were flushed down the toilet, for just carrying or smoking, something that is proving to be a health benefit. Marijuana was given a bad rap.


                                    CANNABIS TO THE RESCUE

Both Marcia and I used it, to make us comfortable, during times of discomfort. I felt so bad one afternoon, at about 3pm, on my second day of my Ivermectin dose; I took one of my Brownies.

     It takes about one hour for it to kick in. By the time of supper, I could feel that the effects getting obvious; I was high!

     Usually, I take my Brownie an hour before my bedtime. By the time it kicks in; I am already in LaLa land. Marcia is more sensitive; she has to wait until she heads up to bed. If  she took it at the time I do, she'd be a basket case, by the time that she went to bed!

     So this is the scene when the time arrives for me to take my normal brownie. I had stopped feeling the effects from the 3pm brownie. I had to make a decision. Either I take my usual dose before bed or I use a half a batch, that will kick in an hour after I go to bed. I knew the time elements that would become reality and went for the half of my brownie. It was the right decision; everything went as planned. 

     I think I might have covered the Brownie recipe in my recent book, 'We Chose Alaska -4- The Frustration of High Blood pressure'.

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