Monday, February 17, 2025


                                                     NOURISHING & EXCRETING

     I want to focus on the aspects of what is necessary for the body to function properly. They say, that you can tell that a person is getting old, when he can't help telling you about his Bowell Movements, before he ends the conversation!

     I guess I fit the pattern! I am 90 years old, caught up in the body of a 60 year old!    

     I have recently discovered a system of better excreting. So I am going to tell you about it, since it is a very basic and necessary part of health. The Webster's Dictionary definition of 'excretion' states, 1. the act or the process of excreting  2.  waste matter excreted; sweat, urine, etc.  [The etc. must be the BM?]

     I have, since about two months ago, been working on how to have better BMs. I thought about how the toilets in Asia are very simple. You step into a 4' by 4' box; you hover (squat) over a 6" hole and do your business. The key element here is the squatting. Modern toilets take the squatting , out of the picture. I put it back in!

     The first part of what I found out was, if I sat UPRIGHT; Spread my legs to a normal stance and placed my hands over my knees (at the joint) then I applied a pulling pressure; this would help me in doing my BM. This takes time and effort to bring this about. You basically have to flex your muscles that you normally do when having your BM (at the rectum).

     When you feel the exiting; you are almost there. 

     When you feel that you BM (excretions) about ready to exit; PULL your knees together and Move you arms down to forward of your knees and APPLY a pulling pressure with your arms. You will basically be in a SQUATTING position! Continue to use the arm pressure until you are finished. This will squeeze your intestines and effortlessly move your excrement away from your body.

     The next item mentioned was Urinating. That sort of goes along with the BM process.

     The final one was SWEAT (perspiration). We follow this process by building a sauna (steam bath), no matter where we live. It's a MUST for removing toxins from your body. Those are the little suckers that can ravage your healthy body and put you in your grave!

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